Note: To protect the security of our M2M Attendees we do not post their names. Thank you for your understanding.
This really was a very positive experience for me that I am very grateful for. The personal care I received from the volunteer staff was very meaningful to me and much appreciated. Thank you for this opportunity to meet you all. And the inside window into the Ephesians 4:16 concept where "every joint of the body supplies..." was modelled so well as each of you served from your strength as God has equipped you, to build up other parts of the body (missionaries). Thank you from the bottom of my heart for receiving me into this generous opportunity to be ministered to.
The group hosting us, their welcome authenticity and love, creating space for God to speak, the pastoral care, I feel its best represented by the word "midwives" for the rest and renewal, this all birthed goodness.
Thank you for doing this. We had a sense that God is doing something bigger here than just giving missionaries a break - though that in itself is a wonderful thing. Thank you, thank you, to all the volunteers. We are profoundly grateful.